Thursday, December 31, 2009


I had a chance to play with a former guildie last night.  She wasn't running in her current guild's 10 man ICC, so she tagged along with us.  We basically guild-pugged 10 man ToC then moved into ICC.  The former guildie left on really good terms.  Basically, she wanted more serious raiding and quicker progression.  Those are things that we are not able to provide, so it makes very good sense to move to a more 'hardcore' guild for that style of game-play.  She plays a resto druid with offspec boomkin.

Anyway, basically everybody was on an alt; even both of our tanks.  We cleared ToC in under an hour, quite a good pace for us.  Obviously our former guildie did really well, so did everybody else.

Moving into ICC, we had a little bit slower run.  We cleared Marrow pretty smoothly.  At that point is was about 1 AM and I needed to go to sleep.  As I was logging off I was chatting with our former guildie.  She said that in some ways she really missed Black Axe Clan.  We don't worry about wipes.  We don't yell at one another.  We have fun.  That was the best thing I heard in a long time.  I have realistic ideas of how quickly progression comes to our groups.  I really get frustrated by that at times.

We're approaching our 5th anniversary as a guild, and a big part of that is our attitude and acceptance.  Our espirit de corps.  I love it.  Thanks guildies!

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