Monday, February 1, 2010

Long time no see

Hey kids,
It's been a minute since  I've had a chance to write.  I've been doing all kinds of warcrafting, as well as getting back to the gym in RL in a big way.  Plus, I'm writing a blog about my experiences with fitness and stuff.  Anyway, I r busy.

In Azeroth, frankly, we've been kicking serious arse.  My MT buddy, Akaichisuru is afk for a few weeks with school, but we've filled in with a great new guildie, Junesong (also a pallie).  So, pretty much without missing a beat we've cleared the first 4 bosses in ICC, as well as getting Festergut 2 weeks in a row.

We had our first night on Rotface last night.  12 pulls, some of them a horrible mess, some of them pretty productive.  For the pulls that lasted longer than 2 minutes we really learned a lot about the encounter.  This is the biggest fight yet where everybody needs to pull their weight 100% of the time.  If somebody does not follow directions, it's pretty much going to kill at least one person, and for us that means wipage.

I love having my priest for a few of the bosses in ICC.  On Rotface removing disease is especially important.  Remove it too early and the mini-add does aoe raid damage, remove it too late and the diseased person takes too much damage.  So, for me - MT healing, raid healing with shield spam (remember, I'm disc), avoiding slime sprays, removing disease, and running my OWN diseased ass over to the OT . . . yeah, hectic.  It is an awesome encounter, and I love the way it's designed.  Gluth on steroids.  Hopefully we can get him this week. 

In even better news, our 25 man is in ICC too.  We fairly well cruised through the first 3 bosses last week.  Hopefully we'll be able to do the same thing tomorrow (and maybe even get Saurfang).  We have 3 teams in the guild that are past Saurfang on 10-man, so I think it is pretty legit that we can get him in 25 - since everybody knows the encounter.

No song parody today - too much to do, but I have been thinking of a few.  Also - I would totally take requests if somebody can think of a song they'd like to see a WoW parody of.

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