Sunday, December 13, 2009

LFG - guild killer?

I am our guild's biggest cheerleader.  I encourage.  I put up posts in the forums.  I change the message of the day.  Go Black Axe Clan!

I have pugged about 90% of my instances this week with my healers and tank.  I did a few runs, but nearly ALL of my runs were random.  I can tell myself that is was because of the Frost Emblems.  A big part of it was.  Frost emblems are hard for me to come by otherwise, since we're not quite ready for ICC 10.  But there is something very sweet in the anonymity of the random group.  Also, the random groups tend to be pretty decent.  There is usually one dps-er who is way below everybody else, but I have yet to encounter a terrible tank or healer.  The groups are usually polite.  Gameplay is usually very solid.  Overall, it is every bit as good as running in a guild run.  The bonus for me - I don't have to be 'guild leader' in the pug.  I can just sit back and play.

I see much much more dungeon running these days, and sometimes it is a full guild group, but much more often I see 1-2 guildies per instance.

I don't know what the long-term effects of separating folks is going to be.  Black Axe will be fine - we've been around forever, and are big enough and casual enough that there will be mild effects.  But I do wonder about other guilds.

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