I have 3 mains.
Yeah - I don't know how that happened either. Well, I kinda do. It happened by necessity. We originally needed tanks - hence Bhorg. Then we needed healers - so I have Bhorgia. But we have 2 other druids on my 10 man team (and if we need 3 battle rezzes in one encounter, we're doing something wrong anyway), so I leveled my priest Acquinas. I try to get all 3 into Vault of Archavon, Onyxia, and Trial of the Crusade each week, but best case scenario is that 2 of those toons are running in alt-runs or pugs. So, I bring whichever toon we need to our main 10-man raid.
There is an issue of alts. I want to help the team win. I want to have fun and avoid wipes. I also do not want to wait an hour to find a decent guildie or friend to fill out our group. By druid is the best geared toon, I play the warrior most skillfully, but the raid generally needs the priest (the least geared and least skillful of my 3 mains). I don't mind. I like playing all 3 toons, and I like having the flexibility to fill several roles. On the 10 man team - 7 people have 3 or more 80s. MOST of those toons are as well geared as mine. We collectively decided to only raid with main toons, unless we need some specific role filled. I don't mind alts. Here is my concern (way to bury the lead!):
As raid leader - I have to alter my attention and strategy based on not only the class, but also the gear of the toon and the experience of the raider - both in general AND as raiding on THAT character. From personal experience I definitely know that I perform best as my warrior tank - despite his relative lower gear. Also, my healing on the resto druid is WAY better than the healing done by my priest. I don't mean the meters, I actually mean by keeping people alive.
Moreover - by raiding on different toons, I need to change my style of play, therefore my style of thinking, depending on which class I am playing at the time. With that change I have noticed that I treat the raid differently depending on who I am playing.
I wonder - does my team notice? Do they HEAR me differently on the different characters?
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Oh no. It still sounds like "Hey Kids" no matter what toon you say it on.
It's funny - I actually get that line from my Speech and Debate teacher in High School, Mr. Arelanno, aka "Daddy". He would always say things like, "If you kids forget a pencil, come up here and Daddy will find you one."
At the time, it didn't sound too creepy . . . in retrospect, we were horribly, horribly wrong.
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