Monday, November 30, 2009

Holiday gaming

Most of my guildies are adults.  Most of the folks I play with have jobs, spouses, kids. . . basically we almost all have real-lives that limit our access to WoW.  No time is this more apparent than during the holidays.  Scheduling raids and guild events is really tricky this time of year.

There is a great tradeoff because of this.  Since we're all adults; because we've all played for years; because we've all played together for a long time;  we don't mind missing a week of raiding.  Let me clarify: we all want to play and have fun, but nobody is pissed-off about missing our raid night.

Last night we only had 3 people on from our 10-man raid team.  /shrug  I was on, but had no problem logging out and watching tv with Missus Bhorg.  I wanted to get some more ToC in (my priest still needs LOADS of gear), but I'm not horribly worried about it.

I guess this is what it means to be 'casual'.

When we do raid, we have lots of fun, we typically progress pretty well.  Our communication is good.  We understand the encounters beyond just our own role in them.  We are creative and open-minded with strategy.  When we find a good strategy for us, we refine it and stick with it.  Basically, we have lots of fun and win more than we lose.  It's nice to be able to play casually and still have that level of development within the game.

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